Sunday, April 20, 2008


I don't know what I did different but I got my jumpcut 'Curious George' movie Html to work in this blog.
I could not get it to download here during the 23 Things. I emailed it to myself and brought it in through email.
The movie was not changed much from the actual video from my camera: I added a title and did a little editing.
Thank you very much.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just Thinging Around

My favorite sport:

Thing 23

I did not make a 'comment' in the survey; sorry.

This is my one word for this experience:

Thank you very much.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thing 22

I am so grateful for this opportunity. I have learned more than ... I can't think of an appropriate word to finish the sentence.
I would like to do some Webinars. Our system has encouraged us to do Webinars; now I am inspired to do so.

I was not competent in all of the 23 Things, so I would like to try again; practice.
RSS interest me and the computer I have used for this project will not allow me to save anything for any length of time.
I like the idea of 15 minutes a day. I can handle that just standing at the circ desk between patron check-outs.
Did I say that I am grateful?
I didn't realize how fun an email account can be. MySpace was a scary thing to me until now. YouTube, heck, I can't wait to do something with that. I feel as giddy as a kid because of this opportunity. I feel fresh and hip and full of ideas.
This experience has opened me up to the world. I was in a corner; forced upon by my lack of knowledge and by my avoidance, but NOT ANY MORE. I am liberated!
Did I say that I am grateful?
Did I answer your blog prompts?
Thank you very much.

Thing 21

Well, I feel silly. I put a real person picture on the 23 Things On a Stick Ning. I should have been more generic.
I can see some positive things with social networking. Until today I have not been a member of any online communities.
I am going to see what happens with the Group I created on facebook before I get too involved in a social network.
I know, the URL is not what you wanted here, but I am leaving it. OKAY?
Thank you very much.

Thing 20

I tried again this a.m., to get a podcast sent to Thing 19. Sorry. I am disappointed because the recording sounded so good.
So, I moved on to Thing 20.
I signed into facebook. Checked out some of the 1,878 photos dealing with crocs; the shoe.
I even created a GROUP. I am interested in library job sharing. I would like to go away for a few months at a time and work at a library. I would like them to work and live in my life and I in theirs. Doesn't that sound fun?
Of course, my boss would have to approve, but that is just a minor detail.
I have wanted to set up a MySpace, so I did.
I want to do one for the McGregor Library. It could be a great place to show 'n tell, blog and whatnot.
Just a note; I have been printing out all the instructions and info for each thing and 20, 21, and 22 don't want to completely print. No big deal, just wanted you to know.
Did I answer all your blog prompts?
Thank you very much.